Working groups

© Staatsministerium Baden-Württemberg


The Economy Group gathers practitioners involved in the implementation of economic development policies, in order to establish permanent channels of information and exchange of best practices. 

  • Subgroup Clusters Dialogue.



Electric and Hydrogen Mobility

Aims of the Working Group are:

  • exchange between regions, clusters and networks on strategy and projects on future transport technologies
  • sharing information, experience and best practice example
  • create a network of relevant clusters and networks on electric mobility
  • initiate research and innovation projects with stakeholders from leading European regions [more]


Aims of the working group are:

  • exchange between regions among environmental policies
  • sharing information, experience and best practice example
  • transfer to the European institutions a common position of the regions about environment and climate change policies and priorities
  • initiate cooperation projects with stakeholders from leading European regions [more]


Labour Mobility and Professional Training

Aims of the working group are:

  • Exchange on systems of professional training in the regions
  • Facilitating labour mobility among the regions e.g. by interregional agreements, common visits/ presence in fairs, events, visits to centres for professional education in the partner regions and enabling contacts among apprentices
  • Preparing common mobility projects of apprentices [more]


Research and Higher Education

Aims of the Working Group are:

  • Intensification of the cooperation on science and research
  • Sharing information, experience and best practice examples
  • Exchange about the participation in EU-Programs [more]


Sustainable Food Systems

Aims of the Working Group are:

  • Maintain permanent contact between the practitioners involved in the development of food chain policies
  • Collaborate in the green and digital transformation of the system
  • Develop its work within the framework of the Farm to Fork strategy, as well as other similar strategies at subnational level [more]