Hey Europe – We are your future!

On the 10th of October, the second part of the discussion series “Hey Europe – We are your future!” for young Europeans took place in Stuttgart.

The event series is a joint project of Europe Direct Stuttgart and its partner organisations from the regions of the “Four Motors for Europe”, in cooperation with the Baden-Württemberg State Ministry. All partners were significantly involved in the organisation and sent delegations to take part in the event. The developed results will be submitted as a contribution to the Conference on the Future of Europe.

The thematic focuses of the activity were digitalization and mental health. After a short introduction about the topics by Prof. Brückner from Team Europe, the youths from the regions of the “Four Motors for Europe” – Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Baden-Wurttemberg, Catalonia, and Lombardy – discussed them and developed new ideas and political proposals. Some of the ideas of the young people were for example the necessity of an intensified digital education in European schools and the production of a video series aiming to sensitize for topics concerning mental health, which should be translated to all EU-languages. 

The international exchange between the young people contributed to the creation of a European sense of community and led to a lively exchange of ideas, during which chances and challenges for the future of Europe were analysed.

Before this event, a hybrid discussion already took place in June 2021. Both events will be followed by a closing session in spring 2022 during which the own contributions to the Conference on the Future of Europe will be compared to other contributions to reflect on the own positions. 

Impressions of the Event "Hey Europe - We are your future!"
Hey Europe – We are your future! ©Europe Direct Stuttgart