The Four Motors for Europe at the 5th Lombardy Regional Sustainable Development Forum

Milan, October 30, 2024 – The Four Motors for Europe made an appearance at the closing conference of the Lombardy Regional Sustainable Development Forum 2024, proving once more the network’s attention towards sustainability and circular economy.

Stage of the Regional Sustainable Development Forum
©Lombardy Presidency

The final stage of the 2024 edition of the Regional Sustainable Development Forum, titled “New Horizons for Circular Economy”, took place on 30 October in Milan. The event arrived in the Lombard capital after the territorial initiatives held in Brescia, Varese, Sondrio and Mantua.

The Forum was opened by the institutional greetings of Lombardy President, Attilio Fontana, and regional Minister for Environment and Climate, Giorgio Maione, followed by a keynote speech of professor Ferruccio Resta, President of the Italian National Center for Sustainable Mobility, and interventions of local representatives and stakeholders.

The event offered a valuable opportunity to reflect on the importance of circular economy, with discussions revolving around themes such as the synergistic promotion of ecological transition, economic growth and social development of the territories.

©Lombardy Presidency

These same themes are also pivotal elements of the activities of the Four Motors for Europe network and, specifically, of the annual Lombardy presidency program. In this spirit, Four Motors members from Lombardy and Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes attended the Forum to collect the latest proposals and instances of the territories on the topic of sustainable development.

©Lombardy Presidency

The results of the Forum were then illustrated by the Lombardy coordinator of the WG Environment, Barbara Fraschetta, during the in-presence meeting with the Coordinators of the Network and the Lombardy Working Groups members, held on 31 October in Milan. On this occasion, Four Motors partner regions were also invited to take an active part in the subscription process of the Lombard Protocol for Sustainable Development, a green deal aimed at combining environmental, economic and social needs.