Webinar on gender policies in rural and maritime environments

In the framework of the Catalan presidency of the Four Motors for Europe, the Ministry of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda of the Government of Catalonia organized a webinar, on October 25, 2021, on gender policies in rural and maritime environments in the regions of our network.

Representatives from Catalonia and Baden-Württemberg explained the main strategies that are being implemented in each of these regions, as well as providing some data on the situation of women in their rural and maritime areas. The webinar was also attended by representatives from Lombardy and Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, in addition to other interested participants from all four regions.

From Catalonia, the Program for Women in the Rural and Maritime Environment 2016-2021 was highlighted, and details were given on the governance bodies that have enabled its implementation, which have been three: the Gender Mainstreaming Working Group, the network of motivators working on the ground; and the Advisory Council of Women in the Rural and Maritime Envioronment. It was also explained that the Women's Program for the period 2021-2025 is currently being developed at the Ministry.

Finally, two specific actions were explained in more detail: the creation of the Advisory Council of Women of the Rural and Maritime Environment and the Professional Mentoring Program among women in the primary sector. 

As regards the Professional Mentoring Program for women in the primary sector, this initiative offers personalized and individualized advice to the mentored women who are starting a professional activity in the primary sector or in complementary activities, such as agro-tourism. The mentoring is possible thanks to the accompaniment of the mentors, women with consolidated business projects, who support and advise emerging female talent.

From Baden-Württemberg they highlighted the realization of a study to have a statistical basis of the situation of women, as well as the program subsidized by the European Union of innovative measures for women in rural areas.

The study, carried out in 2019, showed that women are involved in all areas involved in a farm (from decision-making to caring for family members, accounting and technical tasks, among others). However, unfortunately, this is not reflected in the management of companies, in which, statistically, there are only 8% of women.

As regards the program of innovative measures for women in rural areas, it includes three elements: qualification of women, promotion of investment and promotion of networks.

Finally, detailed information was provided on women's associations in rural areas in the region. Currently, there are three major regional associations, one in South Baden, a second in Württemberg-Baden and a third in Württemberg-Hohenzollern. In terms of membership, alltogether there are more than 82,000 women members in the associations. These associations play a very important role for the rights of rural women in Baden-Württemberg.

Gender policies in rural and maritime environments